The URL Xray uses to check if a component it is scanning is registered with the provider.The API Key you received from the provider.To add and connect to a custom provider, set the Enabled checkbox and enter the following parameters: To configure your endpoints, go to the Administration module in the Xray | Integrations page and click New Integration. "description": "Algorithmic complexity vulnerability in the sorting algorithms in bzip2 compressing stream", "summary": "Algorithmic complexity vulnerability", "source_id": "unique id of the reported issue", Request header apiKey: “some-api-key-which-is-unique-for-a-specific-customer” This API should be exposed by the feed provider. Request an indication to whether a provided api key is valid. In order to enable your custom integration, you need to build and run two REST endpoints. To enable this, you'll need to build the following two REST endpoints and configure them in the Xray integrations page. This gives you the opportunity to add analyses from different providers with whom you may have an account, or even to create your own provider and display information such as performance issues, known defects or any other information offered by your provider. JFrog Xray is open for integration with any number of issue and vulnerability providers. For more information, see Xray Jira Integration. This Jira Integration allows you to automatically create Jira tickets for violations found by Xray in your configured Jira Projects. Xray integrations are configured in the Administration module in the Integrations page and displays the integrations you have configured and connected to.
Compressed disk xray password#
For more information, see Managing Proxies.Ī username and password as required by the webhook.Īny custom headers that may need to be added to invoke the webhook. Set the webhook to go through the predefined proxy.

For details of the payload provided by Xray to the webhook, please refer to Webhook Payload. This is the name that will be used by any Watches that want to invoke the webhook in case of a violation